Sound&Vision, Royal Museums Greenwich
I’ll be participating in next week’s Sound and Vision | Virtual drawing class. Each week hosts Mat Cahill (Royal Museums Greenwich), Phin Jennings (Rise Art) and special guests open the doors to the collections of their organisation as well as their record collections. See the latest contemporary art from Rise Art and the rich archive of Royal Museums Greenwich alongside with a broad variety of music from experimental jazz to folk and classical to electronica.
I will be presenting a new video work based on my A Daily Sea series of photographs.
Participants will be given the time of each playlist to respond to each visual work, with time to share and discuss what they have created after each playlist.
All you need to do is bring your favourite drawing implements and your creativity to respond to the rich stimuli provided. No experience required.
You can book for free here: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/rise-art-10607636293