Facing Britain, Mönchehaus Museum Goslar
British documentary photography from the 1960s to the present
Facing Britain paints a portrait of the special society of Great Britain: deep affection, humanity and humor characterize the inhabitants of the country. The exhibition includes several of my prints from The Election Project.
Away from popular motifs such as the Royals, the Beatles or Swinging London, the photographers look at people’s everyday lives, often with a dose of self-mockery and a sense of the absurd.
Her focus is on social and political issues: inequality and two-tier society, identity, protest and rebellion, racism and migration, the decline of the coal industry, consumer society, youth unemployment and Brexit.
For all their seriousness, the pictures convey a lot of the cheerful composure of the British.
More details here: https://www.moenchehaus.de/event/facing-britain/
The exhibition is organised by Institut für Kunstdokumentation und Szenografie
Kunsthalle Darmstadt
Participating photographers:
Mike Abrahams, Meredith Andrews, James Barnor, Rob Bremner, Rachel Louise Brown, John Bulmer, Tessa Bunney, Thom Corbishley, Robert Darch, John Davies, Anna Fox, Ken Grant, Judy Greenway, Mohamed Hassan, Paul Hill, David Hurn, Sirkka -Liisa Konttinen, Kalpesh Lathigra, Barry Lewis, Markéta Luskacová, Kirsty Mackay, Fran May, Stephen Mccoy, Niall Mcdiarmid, Daniel Meadows, Roy Mehta, Sandra Mickiewicz, Margaret Mitchell, Peter Mitchell, David Moore, Tish Murtha, John Myers, Kevin O’Farrell, Martin Parr, Mark Pinder, Yan Wang Preston, Ryan Prince, Kavi Pujara, Tony Ray-Jones, Paul Reas, Simon Roberts, Michelle Sank, Syd Shelton, Hazel Simcox, Dave Sinclair, Homer Sykes, Alys Tomlinson, Jon Tonks, Dan Wood, Tom Wood.
Tour venues:
27 Sep – 24 Nov 2020 / Museum Goch
3 Sep 2021 – 9 Jan 2022 / Kunsthalle Darmstadt
20 Feb – 1 May 2022 / Mönchehaus Museum Goslar
16 June – 18 Sept / Museum for Photography Krakow

Installation view Museum Goch