Art UK, 10 Artists to Follow

Over the past two years, Art UK has started the new year with a rundown of the most exciting artists to follow on Instagram – a list that reflects works that have been recently acquired by UK public collections.

Keeping up the annual tradition, they’ve created a new list for 2022, which inlcudes my instagram feed:

“The artist and photographer Simon Roberts is known for capturing the British social landscape in what has been described as ‘Brueghel-like compositions.’ His wide-format, landscape photography speaks to the lived experience of contemporary Britain, and typically captures densely populated public spaces – sites of shared experience, community and congregation. Between 2007 and 2008, he travelled across England in a motorhome with his family and a 5 x 4 inch camera, chronicling the urban and pastoral landscapes and often emphasising recreational activities of the British. Influenced by the American photographer Stephen Shore, who once travelled across the US to document scenes of everyday life, Roberts’ documentation of the English landscape through photography aims to explore how such communal scenes shape ‘ideas of national character’.” Lydia Figes, 2022

You can read the full article here and follow the other artists via the links below:

Toyin Ojih Odutola

Camille Walala

Rachel Jones

Shawanda Corbett

Maria Bang Epersen

Andrew Pierre Hart

Rosanne Robertson

Caroline Walker

Alejandra Carles-Tolra